Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ayurvedic Wisdom

Principles, Prevention, Cure
 Sunday, May 26


Ayur-veda, the science of life is very close to me as I had to find a cure for my Asthma. I started with the modern medicine and was able to only control it through steroids. I suffered Osteoporosis (weak bones) as a side effect  and broke my leg on my birthday.


Then I tried naturopathy and started eating raw foods which slowly busted my digestion and I started excreting undigested food. This led me towards Ayurveda where I discovered that we should eat cooked food which is easy to digest for the human body but we can take fifteen percent raw food. Yogis can digest raw food well, but we cannot. Finally I cured myself through Ayurveda. 

Ayurvedic wisdom has a prevention and eradication of diseases from its root. We have inherited this knowledge but have forgotten how to use it. Now I see so much interest in people to learn Ayurveda.


Mansi breathes, eats, lives Ayurveda! I have attended all of her workshops here and found them very useful and practical. 


Sun, 26 May - 9:30 am till 6:30 pm.

Participation by Contribution.


Prior registration required:


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