Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ayurvedic Cooking: find balance of mind & body through a tasty & satisfying diet

        Food can fuel our body and mind if we choose nourishment from a space of consciousness rather than as an emotional response to stress or to placate an inner worry. Ayurvedic cooking offers a complete Health and Wellness mantra and focuses on understanding the importance of food and its co-relation with our wellbeing.

       This session will help you find balance of mind and body through a tasty and satisfying diet with an emphasis on the cooking style and what to cook in relation to the physical and psychic make up of the human being.

As the Ayurvedic proverb states, “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

Thursday, January 9
10.30 AM - 2.00 PM
(inclusive of lunch)

Participation by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:

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