Saturday, June 7, 2014

Indvidual Sessions: Numerology, Handwriting & Signature Analysis

 Numerology, Handwriting
Signature Analysis - Individual Reading Session

Let the wisdom of the Numbers and the science of Graphology be your guiding spirit to answer life’s most bewildering questions. Discover your True Self, individual Life Path Number (also known as Destiny Number) and Your Expression Number.  “It’s the inter-relationship of various energies entwined together with various Numbers in your life that are most essential to decipher”, says Puneet Sachdeva.

Take a peek into your future and determine the best course of action to swim through all the obstacles that prevent you from realizing your destiny. Combine the benefits of a Numerological Reading with a scientific analysis of your Handwriting & Signature. Puneet will give you insights into your true personality blueprint, your hidden talents and strengths along with how to utilize the power of your subconscious mind to get the best out of life.

Facilitator Bio:

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After 14 years in the corporate world, Puneet Sachdeva decided to follow his heart. He spent 7 years studying and loving Numerology and Graphology and is now a Certified Numerologist. Puneet carries the ability, the desire and the conviction to look at those magical numbers and complex handwritings to find answers and to light up your path with awareness and guidance.

Program Details:

Tue, 6th & Mon, 9th June
Duration of Session: 1 Hour 
Sessions by Contribution
Prior Registration Required:
9250361909, 9311902235


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