Friday, February 21, 2014

Workshop: Introduction to the Fundamentals of Clowning

Introduction to the Fundamentals of Clowning

Clowning is a form of physical theatre, thus the participants will be put through a lot of exercises 
where they will be using their bodies as an instrument of expression. The whole curriculum is designed to explore the three basic concepts of Clowning  (Energy, Complicity and Innovation)  which help the participants connect with the child in them. The child who is present in every moment with curiosity and joy and shares his feelings with utter honesty.

Three fundamentals of Clowning:

Energy (Being in the moment with confidence,
conviction and joy)

Complicity (Being aware and responsive to the
energies of the people around you)

Innovation (exploring the unorthodox,
unconventional way of doing the ordinary,
seeking the clown logic)

The Clown:

Vikrant sharma 2

Vikrant Sharma is a professional actor. and has been
practicing Clown art form for the last four years.
He has successfully conducted Clown workshops for the last
one year. He is a  permanent Clown faculty at the acting institute
at “Kreating Characters” and has been conducting independent
workshops and at other institutes as well.

Program Details:
Fri, 28 Feb - Sun, 2 Mar
9.30 AM - 4.00 PM

Participation by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:



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