Friday, January 2, 2015

NLP Facilitator Certification Training With Madita Dickhut

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This training teaches communication skills and coaching with NLP. Coaching withNLP means to teach people how to direct their thinking processes in supportive and successful ways. You will experience and learn a set of attitudes, skills and trance techniques that will support success, healing and relaxation in yourself and others.

In this highly experiential training we will use the brilliant tools of NLP to reach clarity about what success truly means for you and how to reach it. You will understand what blockages have been in the way up to now and how they created inner stress. With NLP we will dehypnotize your mind from old fears and limiting ideas so that you can behave in new rewarding and successful ways. In short : you create a new mind for a new successful life.

Madita Dickhut

Madita Dickhut has been trained by the pioneers in the field of NLP -Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts and Chris Hall and is now a trainer at the "Society of NLP" USA. She is also  in Ericksonian Hypnosis and DeHypnotherapy. For twenty years she has been leading workshops in various countries and at the Osho Meditation Resort in Pune, India. Her warm, nurturing, good-humoured style, makes learning easy and fun.

Monday - Sunday
23 - 29 Mar, 2015
9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Participation by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:
09311115748, 09818799328

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