Friday, June 13, 2014

Psycho-Energetic Massage Sessions with Claude Simard!

Psycho-Energetic Massage Treatment with Claude Simard
Combining the Benefits of a Relaxing Massage with Inner Child Work

Join Claude Simard for a unique Psycho Energetic Treatment session that combines the benefits of physical massage with deep Inner Child work. In this treatment, while working on your physical body with Shiatsu, Acupressure and Swedish massage techniques, Claude will also guide you to access the power of your Inner Child.

The massage will make you deeply relaxed…with all your tensions, stress and blockages melted away. And through the Inner Child work, you will feel more connected with your natural joyful state.

The treatment will bring tremendous peace to your deeper Self; improving your emotional balance, giving you a clearer mind and greater access to your intuition.

Let Claude know of any physical issue you would like him to address and he will do his best.

***The massage can be given with oil or over loose clothing.

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Claude Simard is an accomplished Inner Child Meditation Teacher and Bodywork Therapist of international acclaim.  For over 20 years, he has been using his knowledge of psycho-energetics, massage and Dream Work to help people experience deep healing and happiness. Claude’s highly developed sensitivity and intuition enables him to connect with people at a profound soul level, helping and guiding them to get the best out of their lives and themselves.

Wed 25 to Fri, 27 June
Duration of Session: 1 Hour

Sessions by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:


Psycho-energetic massage lo res

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