Thursday, June 6, 2013

Transomatic Dialogue using Zen Tarot Cards


Transomatic Dialogue using Zen Tarot Cards  

Transomatic Dialogue is a way back to the original wholeness of who you are. A deep trance allows an interactive dialogue with the body localizing the somatic origin, which has created Physical tensions and emotional issues. In this fun and relaxed mini-workshop we will be releasing, relaxing & journeying back to the original wholeness of our being. Transomatic dialogue is a guided deep relaxation process, which helps you to remember moments in childhood when you became separated from your original self. Stress, tensions, pain, emotional and existential issues are signs, which show us that we are going against the harmony of existence. The guided trances help to reconnect with our body and our inner being, travelling through our emotions, senses,creativity and energy.
 Every disease carries a specific life-message from the unconscious mind. Tran-somatic Dialogue using Tarot Cards to deepen your experience, is a unique method that enables the body to speak, using your inner voice, wisdom and intuition. In this way the message is delivered directly by your higher self. 

About Samadhi 
In 1999 Samadhi was introduced to the teachings of the revolutionary mystic Osho in Pune. This stirred in her a deep longing for growth and freedom, which led her to 14 years of deep study and self-inquiry. Her devotion to this way of living and spiritual journey opened for her the door to stillness and expansion of consciousness. Samadhi shares her wisdom and experience, facilitating groups internationally, teaching self-growth, meditation, conscious dance and conscious relating. She creates a safe and relaxed environment for individuals to feel comfortable ‘within’ and ‘without’. In her workshops she helps the participants peel off layer by layer out-dated habits, old -patterns and beliefs enabling them to find what is real and present in the moment.

Program :
Sunday, 16 June
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM

Participation by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:  

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