Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Drawing Workshop with Meditations from Zen, Tai Chi & Osho

The process of drawing is, before all else, the process of putting the visual thoughts into action. A process, by which the artist makes clear to himself what he is doing. It is a soliloquy before it becomes communication. What better way to explore your inner depths than to witness it all on a piece of paper? 

This drawing-meditation unites the body, mind, and breath into the present moment, a state of being where creativity becomes possible. This integration has the power to manifest beyond drawing into all moments of everyday life. 

Explore a workshop where meditation methods from Osho, Tantra, Zen and Tai Chi are integrated with art! This unique process begins with de-stressing and transforming negative patterns in order to pave way for creative expression. This drawing-meditation workshop is for all to explore. The methods and techniques used are simple, and can be used as a playful, creative tool to lead you to a state of awareness.

Some of the drawing techniques that will be practiced are:
·   Chaotic line drawing to de-stress and release psychic/energetic blockages. 
·   Emotional Release Drawings
·   Problem Drawing to gain a creative/constructive perspective
·   Child Drawing to tap into our primal, creative instinct
·   Tai Chi Breathing Drawing to quiet and bring the mind into the present.
·   Contour Drawing to gain a fresh unbiased perspective
·   Hara Drawing to connect our actions with the core universal power within us.
Facilitator's Bio 


Satyakam Gupta is a Tai Chi instructor with a penchant for music and arts.  For the last 35 years, he has been an Osho disciple practicing intense meditation and different healing modalities. He is an extremely dedicated and patient instructor and gives adequate attention to each student.

Program Details :
Sat Sun, 28-29 March
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Participation by Contribution

Prior Registration Required:
93111131096, 9311115748

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